Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Goatee God recap

So as everyone has seen all over tumblr and twitter, Rob has resurfaced and man is he Hot Hot Hotter. I mean, who would have thought Rob could get any better looking? He continues to surprise all the time.
 I have spent numerous hours today just swooning over this man. There are a lot of amazing photos and edits out there, and these are all re-blogs of ones I have been drooling over all day.

I mean, look at this face..

He looks almost like he could be a musketeer in this one .
And then we have this little video of Rob, and OH MY GOD! That sweet, bashful boy just makes me weep from every orifice I have.So, how did you spend your Sunday? Daydreaming like me?  Thanks for the photos goes to PattinsoninParis18, Iceangel34,twisherry,Angelic-demon,rpattzer. You guys sure did make my day enjoyable.
Swoon away ladies, swoooon away.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Who doesn't love October?? The leaf change,the crisp fall scent in the air, and of course Halloween which also happens to coinside with my birthday. I have to say that Maine certainly is beautiful in the fall.
 One of the things we enjoy as a family is trying to out do each other in the art of pumpkin carving, my oldest son is quite the master at it. He does love his Bruins

 This is a Twilight pumpkin, I don't know who carved it, but I thought it was cool.

We also have a Halloween party every year at my brothers house and everyone gets to dress up and party on down. It is a lot of fun. What's better then drunk family shenanigans I ask? Costumed drunk family shenanigans. So what are your plans for Halloween this year? I am going to be a pirate/wench/marauder. Are you taking the kids out trick-o-treating? Are you going to a Halloween party?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ode to the Peen

OK! So, for my first official post, I came across this last night on tumblr and thought...why not. So, without further adieu, I bring you  Robpeen. Is it live? or is it memorex? At first glance I was like..Whoa! Is that real? Is there a manip going on here? Is there a flashlight in your pocket? I mean, what's UP Rob? Oh wait, Do I spy Kristen in the mirror there? That may explain a lot.
So then I decided since I'm already here I may as well see what else is out there. And lo and behold there is a smorgasbord of Robpeen readily available. For instance, the peek a boo peen.. Have you seen this manip? or is it?
An of course we have the famous green pants pic along with a very nice suited Rob(thank you lemonamour). It really does make you wonder what he's packin.
So, do you have a favorite Robpeen pic?  This will be a short and sweet post for now. I have a lot of work to do on this blog so be patient please.
Blog you soon .Jude

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hi, welcome to my life on a blog.

So, I thought I would take a crack at this blogging thing so sit down and buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride. I just wanted to get my blog name up first before I start a design.It is all new and challenging to me, so please be gentle. It's also 2:30 in the fecking morning so I'm off to bed for now..toodles.